Join Green Practice
By joining Green Practice, you will have access to the latest resources to manage the sustainability of your practice across 3 parameters.
Join for free (just register an account) to access the latest information hub on:
(1) Clinical Sustainability - Health resources need to be valued. Every investigation ordered and every medication prescribed has a financial cost and a carbon footprint. It is estimated that up to 80 percent of the carbon footprint of Australian health care comes from the clinical component. With up to 40% of healthcare either of low value or harmful, there is considerable waste in clinical practice. So, while greening our hospitals and clinics is important, we clearly need to change models of care.
(2) Climate Health Advocacy - General practice should be the cornerstone of a sustainable healthcare sector. Tertiary care is expensive and carbon intensive; the cost effectiveness of primary care is well documented. General practice can demonstrate leadership by being an agent of change, embracing sustainability as part of a primary care ethos, aligning it to quality care and moving to net-zero as quickly as possible.
Join the Green Practice Certification Program at annual subscription to decarbonise your practice:
By joining Green Practice, you will be joining a collegiate of like minds who are actively embedding sustainability in their practice for the health of their practice, the patients they serve and the environment that serves us all.